Monday, June 30, 2008

The Good, The Bad, and the Really Ugly

In my lonely state, with the wife and kids gone, what am I to do with my free time in this big city? Really, anything I want. NY offers an unlimited amount of entertainments, social experiences, and cultural events. The sky's the limit. And now that I have the time to soak it all in, what do I do with my free time? ............ go the movies.

Yes, I've been watching way too many movies over the last week or so. I've been able to do this, because I've had entire evenings or days free, and I love seeing movies in theaters. It's just not the same on the small screen. Also, the great thing about NY movie theaters, many of them are HUGE 25 screen, multi-storied theaters, perfect for doubling or tripling your experience. That's all I will say about that. Yes, I'm bad. But when you pay $12.75 for a ticket, I like to get my money's worth. And I don't mind sitting in a dark theater for 6-9 hours at a time. Before you judge me, remember, there are a lot worse things I could be doing here in the city while my wife's away. Right?

Here is a spackling of movies I've seen very recently - with grades. For the most part, the following are all typical Summer popcorn flicks with little substance, but there are a couple great ones as well. (note: some of them I only saw as time fillers until the next good movie)

  • Wall-E - A
  • Iron Man - A-
    Quality movie all-around
  • Kung Fu Panda - B+
    Amazing animation
  • Hancock - B
    Unique and fun, but hoping for a little more. Bateman is perfect.
  • Indiana Jones - B
    Fun, with great visuals
  • The Incredible Hulk - B
    Better than expected
  • Wanted - B
    Too gory, but good
  • Sex and the City - B-
    Too long
  • Get Smart - B-
    Not terrible
  • The Love Guru - C-
    Expected bafoonery
  • The Happening - D-
    The Worst Movie in History!


Anonymous said...

Wall-E was brilliant. My eyes were glued to the screen.

Some of those others I wouldn't have even given a single thought to watching. You're more open-minded than I.

melissa said...

Your pictures are so cute! Glad I got to see you at the family picnic. Visit my blog sometime its

Mrs. Misses said...

But, I never want an episode of Sex and the City to end. How could it possibly be too long? And I heard Wall-E was only so-so. And I can't wait to see Kung Fu Panda cause I love me some Jack Black. And just because it is labeled the worst movie in history, now I HAVE to go see the Happening.

As you can tell, I haven't had a babysitter in a LOOOOOONNNNNGGG time.

Tamara said...

I agree on Iron Man...I really enjoyed it.

Ellen said...

Iron Man was surprisingly good. RD Jr was so fun to watch. I love his work.

Also, how can The Happening be the worst movie in history and only get a D minus? Just askin'.

Anonymous said...

How do you explain your dishonesty to your little kids. They are adorable