Friday, September 26, 2008

Margaret's Big News

From this . . .

to this!

Read all about it at Segullah


Nathan said...

Happy Tooth-Losing Mags!

Yippee! Now you all you want for Christmas is your two front teeth, huh?

Miss and love you Margaret.

Great post and pictures, Heath!

Natalie said...

Loved the post and article? Would you send that Tooth fairy my way?

The Colbys... written by Erin said...

So cute! congrats Margaret!!

Corrigan Clan said...

Margaret! I bet it feels kinda funny. Good thing corn season is over darling.

We love you Miss Margaret, and would you stop growing up so fast.

beth said...

Go Margret!!!! Are you up for a Beard Papa Creme Puff? Hope the other teeth can chew! Auntie will see what she can do!

melissa said...

so cute! I loved the tooth fairy story also! Cute kids!