Friday, March 09, 2007

It's a new dawn, a new day, a new life! Yes, we are terrible bloggers. But hey, nobody really reads this anyway. Not much to report. I am moving to a new law firm in April. Margaret turns 4 soon, Cole is repeating the last word of every sentence he hears, and Heather Anna is quickly becoming what she has always dreamed of - Cute,Teeny, & Tan!!! She is looking mighty fine, but still lacking in the Tan part. It's winter after all. I, on the other hand, am quickly becoming Ugly, Chubby, and Pasty!!! I've got to nip that in the bud. Hey, it's winter after all. It's my body reacting to the cold weather, right? Or maybe it's because I sit behind a desk 9 hours a day. Ah well, the grind of life.

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