Monday, November 17, 2008

1 + 1 = More than 2

You've been wanting to read some great poetry and personal essay, haven't you? Talkin' about synergy and the Summer 2008 issue of Segullah over at the blog. Click on over!

There's a shout out to Erin Beth in my post over there, but below find a Halloween slideshow with some of the people in my life right now, who make me more than I could be without them (and their kids, okay . . .and some pictures of me, and my kids too. It's not really all that related to the post, okay? It's just some picsfor those interested! You must be interested or you wouldn't be reading.. :-))


Nathan said...

I love the byu cheerleader...oh stella bella...
and ham and eggs is pretty cool, too.
going to your segullah blog now.

Anonymous said...

Your sister just sent me the link to your blog. I'm going to hop over to Segullah this verrah second and see what you've done there!

I want to know how to do slideshows like yours on my blog...once I start it ;)

beth said...

ok so natalie's egg yolk tummy has to be the funniest thing ever! and your kiddos are beautiful!