Tuesday, March 10, 2009

No Way Jose!

Join in the latest discussion at Segullah

Featuring a story from the insightful and delightful Margaret Gayle!

Photo circa 2007 (when this story came to pass)


A.J said...

that is a way true and cute story.check out my
blog @ abbygaylia.blogspot.com.love ya

GaRNiTuRe said...

Hi- I know you don't know me, but I came across your blog through a friend's. I recently opened my own little hair clip shop & am trying to get the word out. Take a look:


A.J said...

Margeret is so cute she's growing up so fast I
love you guys!

A.J said...

thanks for looking at my blog!

A.J said...

I need more pictures of you're kids,and cole quotes.