Friday, February 01, 2008

Set the Beeper

Does this look like the face of a boy who would whack his sister? I think not! But do not be deceived.

I haven't posted at Segullah for a while, but you can read a funny from Cole there today.

The Segullah blog has started a category that gets a post or two a week called, "Slice of Life."

I love it! Feel free to send me stories like these anytime. Hope you enjoy.


Unknown said...

how hard did he whack her? give me the details...
cole cole cole...

Kelly Jo said...

Man I want to kiss those cheeks!!

Heather Anna said...

not really that hard, it was with Matt's cross-stitch project that is in a plastic tube. I doubt it really hurt, but ya' know, can't go letting him hit his sister. Now when he whacked her with his big plastic t-rex a couple of days later, I didn't just do a timeout, but t-rex was put away for a day, that seemed to be a good punishment. He really wanted me to re-consider my position that time, but I held strong. The thing is, I know he's not trying to hurt her. It usually is just to see her reaction, tease her, get her attention. He doesn't bear any malice . . .

Anyhoo, Kelly you can come and pinch the cheeks anytime. I know you mean it when you say you want to come. I only hope it comes to fruition soon.

cathy said...

Heather, how much longer do you have till the baby's born? Isn't it any day? How are you feeling?

Krazy Khania said...

That story was great! I have had that same convo with Grant.